Thursday, January 5, 2012 |
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Uncle Jack and Mrs. U.J. have enjoyed a lovely week-and-a-half in Sonag but alas, tomorrow they must return to Charm City just as a warming trend is setting in. The balmy temperatures of New Year's weekend were but a pleasant memory by the end of the week but even the freezing days were sunny so he is not complaining. Perhaps the high point of the week (literally and figuratively) was an extended visit to Jockeys Ridge State Park on warm, sunny, windless New Year's Day. When Uncle Jack first came to the Outer Banks 40 years ago it was just plain old Jockeys Ridge and a month rarely passed that he didn't climb to the top of the tallest dune and enjoy the fantastic 360 degree view. After a time he metamorphosed into a local and rarely thought about Jockeys Ridge much less climbed it on a regular basis. Now that he is a tourist again he has a new appreciation for what an amazing amenity it really is. Lucky for all of us a courageous lady named Carolista Baum took a stand against wholesale commercial exploitation of Jockey's Ridge back in the 70's and led the fight to preserve the dunes in the form of a state park. While visitors these days still have to dodge the occasional errant hang-glider most would probably admit that they enjoy watching people try to master the art of free flight on plastic wings. Often the scenario changes from sublime to ridiculous in a matter of seconds. Right now the remains of the putt-putt golf course that once adorned the southeast corner of the dune are once again buried by drifting sand but Uncle Jack is sure that the "castle" will rise again to remind us of what might have been but for the vision and courage of Mrs. Baum.
Uncle Jack will now put on his own huckster's hat and remind readers that his lovely house in South Nags Head is for rent to discriminating vacationers again in 2012. Google "Uncle Jack's Beach Cottage" (or paste this URL into your browser:
for more information. |
posted by Uncle Jack at 11:49 AM | Comments [1] |