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Outer Banks Guide > Outer Banks Blogs > Eve Turek's Natural Outer Banks Blog
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Sunday, February 15, 2015
Winter in South Nags Head
       Uncle Jack is happy to report that neither he nor Mrs. U.J. nor the Mini has been blown away by the serious winds of the past couple of days and they are continuing to enjoy their deep-winter sojourn in South Nags Head. They wandered around in the neighborhood with his ancient Sony Cyber-Shot and took more pictures of drifted sand which has become the new bete-noir of oceanfront property owners in Sonag. (And a new source of fulfillment for commercial front-loader owners).
       One day they satisfied a long-time itch by driving over to Mann's Harbor and exploring the length of Mashoes Road which traverses a strange and almost scary section of swamp just north of the village. The picture below does not do justice to the overall eeriness of the terrain. The road and the little cluster of houses at the end of it take their name from a man named Peter Mashoes who is said to have washed ashore a couple of hundred years ago and built a house there when the forest was still primeval.
       On their way home they stopped to visit the Welcome
Center of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on northern Roanoke Island across from the Lost Colony entrance. Lots of interesting exhibits to look at and well worth an hour of their time.
       More to come when it warms up enough to go outside.

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The Outer Banks Fishing Pier in South Nags Head is closed for the season which is probably a good thing considering the present difficulty in getting to it.

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Whimsical Mother Nature keeps robbing sand from under these Seagull Drive cottages to pile it up where it isn't wanted.

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The northernmost house on Seagull keeps tilting a little more with each storm. Might be resting on the beach before the winter is over.

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A few years ago the problem would have been to replace the walkway and stairs that washed away in a nor'easter. Never a dull moment for the oceanfront home owner.

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What a difference a day makes. Yesterday (Friday) the waves were rolling right up to the dunes. Today the ocean is calm and the beach is as wide as it gets.

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For an otherworldly experience just drive over the old bridge to Manns Harbor and turn right on Mashoes Road. It's only a few miles long but it looks like something Mother Nature might have produced on a bad day.

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Uncle Jack's house in South Nags Head is dog friendly and ideally suited for senior citizens because all rooms are on the first floor only seven steps up from the ground. Google Uncle Jack's Beach Cottage for more info.

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One of the dozens of photos in Uncle Jack's Kindle book along with 100 funny stories about life on the Outer Banks. Google "Uncle Jack's Outer Banks" to find out how to order. A steal at only $4.99.

posted by Uncle Jack at 1:44 PM

Comments [7]

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Winter in South Nags Head
       Uncle Jack and Mrs. U.J. have fled Charm City ahead of a week in which three different snowfalls are predicted along with sub-freezing temperatures and strong winds. No matter what happens in Sonag weatherwise in the next couple of weeks it will be better than that.
       He got up to the beach with his camera today to see what Mother Nature has wrought since he was last here a few weeks ago. Needless to say she has moved a lot of sand around as the pictures below show. The beach renourishment sand seems to have provided her with a new plaything and she appears to be having a good time with it, flinging it around to places where it has never been seen before and creating some unusual problems for oceanfront home owners.
       He needs to charge up the battery on his ancient Sony Cybershot tonight so he can get out and take some more pictures tomorrow. Lucky for him he brought his longjohns from Baltimore because it's going to be cold out there. Stay tuned.

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Must have been some strong winds from the southwest recently to cover this heat pump in back of this house. Unlike snow it's not going to melt away when the weather warms up.

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It's twelve steps down to the beach if you want to dig out the stairway but why bother?

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The dunes are in great shape in this area north of Whitecap Street but getting to the beach is a bit of a challenge these days.

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There's about a ten foot drop from the top of this dune to the walkway below but overwash is no longer a problem.

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The storm that nearly destroyed the Rodanthe pier earlier this week has moved on but the surf is still formidable and at high tide the beach is almost completely under water.

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Looking north from the top of a dune toward Jennette's Pier which has a cleaner bottom after the huge waves of a couple of days ago. Not much beach to walk on today (Thursday 2/12)

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Uncle Jack's rental calendar is filling up fast but there are a few choice weeks in June and August (and off-season) still available at this moment. For further info Google "Uncle Jack's Beach Cottage". Discover South Nags Head.

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Uncle Jack's Kindle book is selling like hotcakes. He raked in $3.72 in royalties last month. Google "Uncle Jack's Outer Banks" and find out how you, too, can supplement his meager Social Security check.

posted by Uncle Jack at 5:39 PM

Comments [3]

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After retiring in 2005 after 35 years as owner/operator of Yellowhouse Gallery and Annex on the Beach Road in Nags Head, Uncle Jack, accompanied by Mrs. Uncle Jack (a.k.a. Susan), commenced to travel extensively. This blog is a chronicle of their ramblings around the U.S. (in their redoubtable Mini Cooper convertible) as well as visits to England, Ireland, France, Italy, and Malta, interspersed with lengthy stays in South Nags Head and Baltimore between trips. He took a lot of pictures along the way, many of which are posted along with each blog entry.
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