Monday, March 5, 2012 |
In Like A Lamb |
I know memory can be a tricky thing. It SEEMS as though this winter is milder and warmer than the past few winters have been. Not only did February end on a high note, (pun intended) but March started the same way, with an official high over 70. All I know for sure is that March 1 was warm enough that I changed out of jeans into shorts for the afternoon! That is one for the record books!
I spent some time outside on the beach in the middle of the afternoon on Feb. 29, celebrating Leap Year, and spent time both on the beach and on Jennette’s Pier both morning and afternoon on March 1, celebrating…well, just celebrating. 70+ degrees and a beautiful Outer Banks day in the middle of a winter of gratitude: what is not to celebrate? As if in response to my already joyful mood, the days and the ocean responded with some magnificent gifts that are below for you to enjoy. Now that we’ve had cooler, windier, and wetter weather for the past couple of days, there is nothing like the memory of that warm sunshine and all it bodes for the days to come to lighten and gladden the heart.
On another note, this seems a great time to acknowledge that I've now been blogging here for a full three years!! I am so grateful to Will, and to all my OBC readers and friends who have encouraged me by your responses to keep sharing what I see and experience for you all (that's north-speak for all y'all, y'all!) to enjoy.
So enjoy…
click for larger image | Some years I seem to miss seeing dolphin from shore but already this winter I have been blessed to see--and photograph--a number of them! This is from Leap Day, Feb. 29, taken from the beach in Nags Head. Long Lens really helps!! |
click for larger image | I call this "Besties." Just Because. :) They are beginning to come into their breeding plumage now. See the blue eyes?? |
click for larger image | Here's another threesome, this time from Jennette's Pier. The little one popping its head up is a baby. Taken March 1. |
click for larger image | For a while there, it seemed everywhere I looked on the north side of the pier, there were dolphins! |
click for larger image | In the distance I could see a huge group of birds. When I took my lunch break, I checked it out. Everybody who is Anybody was there: Pelicans/Gulls/Terns/ Cormorants/Gannets/Loons/Mergansers, you name it! |
click for larger image | March 1 started out misty and cloudy so I took a beach walk before even thinking about photography. Rescued one starfish as I walked near Avalon Pier. |
click for larger image | But when the lights came on it was beautiful for the rest of the day. Check out this pelican windsurfing through the spray. |
click for larger image | Friday March 2 dawned MUCH windier as the 'Banks braced for a little weekend nor'easter. Here is the surf at Jennette's Pier just one day after the shots above. |
posted by eturek at 12:23 PM | Comments [6] |