I'm not a Kayak Fisherman, but as a Charterboat Captain, I'm very proud of all the Outer Banks Fishing Opportunities. I thought I'd give some general info on Kayak Fishing. It is just increasing in popularity around here because of vacationers in the sport. The Outer Banks has always been a power boat mecca. There are probably over 100 Charterboats of all shapes and sizes between Oregon Inlet and Hatteras. Kayak Fishing is done in the Sound for Trout and Puppy Drum which should be available as long as Sound waters warm up enough. There is more interest in the area from Kitty Hawk down all the way down to Hatteras. Not the areas up in Duck and Corolla, although the water is much calmer and shallower, but more on the brackish side almost changing to Fresh above Corolla. There are quite a few places to launch. Some people like the Oregon Inlet area, but you have some significant currents and lots of boat traffic. Summer Trout fishing anywhere in the Sound along the Marshes was excellent last year. As far as Kayak Guides go, there are some, not heavily advertised, the business is just getting going. I would put up some Posts or Questions on various Facebook sites (Fish OBX, Outer Banks Locals, Pure OBX, Outer Banks NC) all these will get you more specific info. One last thing, please stay away from the main channels when the Charter Fleets are coming in. Lots of Wake Action. Good luck.
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