Sound Fishing

By: Joep
4/21/2021 9:55 AM

Trip the first week of May will include disabled veteran with oxygen requirement. Any "sound" fishing locations you might suggest with parking and only "short' walk to water would be appreciated ! Thanks.


By: Pickle
4/21/2021 10:11 AM

First thing that comes to me is the Little Bridge on the Manteo Causeway. Next would be the Pier under the Pirates Cove Bridge. That is currently closed until ????? May for paving and repairs. I

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By: SwampDuck
4/21/2021 11:22 AM

Second for the Little Bridge " Melvin Daniels Bridge".

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By: obx bingy
4/21/2021 11:30 AM

Yes little bridge fairly easy place to access and fish.
