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Headboats Oregon Inlet/Pirates Cove

By: Joep
4/30/2021 12:24 PM

What's happening ? Trips available ? Catch ?


By: Pickle
4/30/2021 5:20 PM

They generally start in early May. They wait till the water warms. First catch is normally Sea Mullet, Blowfish and occasional Flounder. Really not sure if they have been out yet. Good reports of Puppy Drum and some small Trout from Sound fisherman but not in locations that a Headboat can get into.

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By: Pickle
5/4/2021 2:47 PM

Just heard that Miss OI and Crystal Dawn have run some trips. No report on catches


By: Avalon
5/4/2021 5:28 PM

Thanks, Pickle. You are always keeping us informed about fishing and I really appreciate it!!


By: Whaler9818
5/13/2021 11:53 AM

What's happening ? Trips available ? Catch ?


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By: hatterasnc
5/13/2021 3:12 PM

What's happening ? Trips available ? Catch ?


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Corolla bait and tackle for inshore/offshore trips? Never heard of them. Where's the marina?

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By: Pickle
5/13/2021 6:46 PM

Corolla Bait and Tackle owns their own boats and docks them at OBX Marina in Wanchese. They also book Charters for other boats if theirs are filled. Same for Bobs in Duck, but they don't own their own boats. Please understand that all Charter Fleets are 45 miles South of Corolla. There is no access to the Ocean until Oregon Inlet. FYI there are three major Marinas (in Alpha order). OBX Marina in Wanchese, OIFC on THE NPS Property by Oregon Inlet and Pirates Cove Manteo.


By: John Bull
5/13/2021 10:59 PM

Yep, historically there have been several small inlets up above Oregon Inlet, but they ain't there now. Perhaps root for a huge destructive "nor'easter" to come along to create a spot for a marina up above Oregon Inlet? I'm only kidding!! Part of the deal with North Carolina's coast is that for all that ocean in front of you there are only a handful of navigable inlets and absolutely nothing north of Oregon Inlet.


By: Whaler9818
5/17/2021 7:01 PM

What's happening ? Trips available ? Catch ?


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Corolla bait and tackle for inshore/offshore trips? Never heard of them. Where's the marina?


CBand Tackle have been in Corolla since 2003.
