OBX Connection Home > OBX Connection Forum > Old bar on south side of “three mile bridge”
Old bar on south side of “three mile bridge”

By: Darlin
5/8/2021 5:58 PM

What was the name? Was a fish camp many yrs ago


By: hoi toide
5/12/2021 10:22 AM

Where is “3 mile bridge?”


By: hatterasnc
5/13/2021 9:52 AM


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By: Greg MD
5/13/2021 1:51 PM

Old nickname for WMB?


By: Darlin
5/13/2021 3:48 PM

Many yrs. ago we, (locals), called it the three mile bridge. Self axplanatory...


By: KHbiker
6/29/2021 7:03 AM

Many yrs. ago we, (locals), called it the three mile bridge. Self axplanatory...


I guess he's not going to tell us!

I was first here in 1981 and moved to KH in 1989. I've never heard the term "3 mile bridge". Although the WMB is 3 miles long!


By: Darlin
6/30/2021 5:28 PM

Been here most of my life, so there are lots of things locally we used to name. We did not have street signs or traffic lights, much less a McDonald’s. There was no such thing as “Tri- Villages”. it was Salvo, Rodanthe, and Waves, each respectively.. no one said “ i am going to the. “Tri-villages” for Old Christmas . one said “ I am going to Rodanthe for Old Christmas. Lots of things gone...

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