Thanks Uncle Joe

By: robluc
5/17/2021 10:21 PM

The burden of proof lies with the accuser, etc.

Sea Urchin

you know exactly what im talking about, but wont say it.

so fake. inclusive? only if you have a screen shot?

enjoy your echo chamber

Pauly hates me. He hates me because I know his gig. He hated me when he was Big Bill. He hated me when he was Tom. He hated me when he was Shooper. At least he is in good??? company. I would rather continue to be hated by his foul mouth vulgar alts.

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By: Squid Pro Quo
6/11/2021 12:23 PM

The burden of proof lies with the accuser, etc.

Sea Urchin

you know exactly what im talking about, but wont say it.

so fake. inclusive? only if you have a screen shot?

enjoy your echo chamber

Pauly hates me. He hates me because I know his gig. He hated me when he was Big Bill. He hated me when he was Tom. He hated me when he was Shooper. At least he is in good??? company. I would rather continue to be hated by his foul mouth vulgar alts.


And now he's: Justtryingtohelp....

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By: right bingy
6/11/2021 2:37 PM

Who gives a s### about those losers, lets talk about the loser in england, you know old bumbles, I cannot wait unyil putin shoves it up his a@@ GOING DOWN HILL RIGHT FAST NOW ARE WE NOT ALL YOU DUMBOCRATS.

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By: right bingy
6/12/2021 8:42 PM

5 percent inflation hike in may, thanks bumbles. Thumbs up

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By: Bentmtn
6/12/2021 11:28 PM

5 percent inflation hike in may, thanks bumbles. Thumbs up

right bingy

Let's all tighten our belts a bit. Scary ride ahead. And I mean scary. Some of us can handle it, but it's the lower income people that cannot. What will they do??!! We have a nice chicken coop that we can start using as well as several acres in our mountain top home that we can use to grow veggies. A lot of people don't have that luxury. And the deer are rampant on our property...hubs will shoot them in a heartbeat to feed us if needed. I just spray liquid fence to keep the darn deer from eating their buffet on our day lillies and such. But gosh....I'm nervous. All I can say is bring in ron desantis asap!

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By: right bingy
6/13/2021 7:37 AM

Yepper, become a lead farmer, if you understand. Grow, hunt and harvest, build a net work of like minded friends. like bochepus said a country boy can survive, its those crazy bas@@@@s in the big cities they will die like rats in a barrel, at least the ones who are left after they shoot up each other. A lot of folks have their heads up there as@ especially the dumbocrats. Yes dumbocratsold bumbles is the great hope now is he not. Idiots

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By: right bingy
6/13/2021 7:41 AM

Forgot we are all going too be low income, this fool is figuring ways too zap every penny he can get his socialist hand on. Look back history is on the door steps of repeating itself, can you say depression. Spending money like pouring pi$$ out of a boot, the so called pandemic and businesses going under. Just too name a few precursors.


By: PeteHummers
6/13/2021 8:02 AM

The "Face Hugger" mask as worn on the Nostromo

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By: right bingy
6/13/2021 8:32 PM

Pete, that's about the only way too shut up the lying piece of dung.

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By: right bingy
6/13/2021 8:45 PM

DIZZY, Just seen on amazon they have a t shirt that would be right up your alley, I shall not post the first word but the rest says joe and the ho, since your seem too have developed a lean towards vulgarities you can figure what the first word is. Check it out but beware put on your tin foil hat first. Also I do agree that these things have no place in the presence of children, but you gotta admit we be living in a WOKE push.

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