August 13th

By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 10:44 AM

Here is the plan !!!

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By: DevilDog
7/10/2021 10:55 AM

Greg is blinded by the Trump propaganda and calls anyone not a Trump fan a Commie !! Sad !!!


There's plenty of good reasons to equate leftists with Communists, McGee.

Why, here's one now:

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By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 11:03 AM

So DD , you are either for Trump and you are a true American but if you loath him you are a Commie ? What a simplistic life you lead !!!

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By: DevilDog
7/10/2021 11:07 AM

So DD , you are either for Trump and you are a true American but if you loath him you are a Commie ? What a simplistic life you lead !!!


Those are your words, McGee, not mine.

Nice deflection, though.

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By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 11:11 AM

Greg is blinded by the Trump propaganda and calls anyone not a Trump fan a Commie !! Sad !!!


There's plenty of good reasons to equate leftists with Communists, McGee.

Why, here's one now:


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By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 12:11 PM

Your hero !!

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By: DevilDog
7/10/2021 12:36 PM

Your hero !!


Those are your words, McGee, not mine Part II.

Interesting how you don't want to talk about the Communist Party USA's support for the Democrat party.

Seems to me an actual Conservative would find that topic interesting at best, or disturbing at worst.

Makes one really wonder about your "Conservative" bonifides......

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By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 1:11 PM

DD , how are the Commie governments doing these days .....North Korea and the fat boy are starving , Venezula is going broke, China releasing covid to the masses , Putin killing all opposition to his rule and Cuba is Cuba !! Can't you create something other than the Commies to be afraid of I got tired of that game back in the McCarthy era and VietNam with tricky Dicky !!

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By: DevilDog
7/10/2021 1:25 PM

DD , how are the Commie governments doing these days .....North Korea and the fat boy are starving , Venezula is going broke, China releasing covid to the masses , Putin killing all opposition to his rule and Cuba is Cuba !! Can't you create something other than the Commies to be afraid of I got tired of that game back in the McCarthy era and VietNam with tricky Dicky !!



We're currently embroiled in a Marxist cultural revolution in this country, and all you can come up with is that it's a "game" and Trump is a poopy-head?!?

You've got some seriously screwed up priorities there, McGee......

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By: dandjw2
7/10/2021 1:34 PM

By: Greg MD
7/10/2021 1:53 PM

Philly has ice cream, right?

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By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 2:02 PM

Next you will be posting old quotes from Gus Hall when he ran as a Commie for President !!! Look out there is a Commie behind that tree !!!

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By: izzymcgee
7/10/2021 2:07 PM

I wonder if Gus and Angela support Trump?

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By: SandRider
7/10/2021 2:36 PM

ROBLUC for PREZ. 2024 Banana Banana Banana

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By: dandjw2
7/11/2021 9:48 AM

I’ve never believed anything the Communist Party claimed.
I mean after all they are communists.
One of their goals, as I understand it, is to destroy democracy.

So, DD, by posting their viewpoints, are you promoting communism or what?

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By: izzymcgee
7/11/2021 11:15 AM

Its funny the right downplayed the virsus that killed over 600k and said there is nothing to be afraid of because Donald would save us all by Easter 2020 in the same time they create this Commie onslaught that is looming over the country and must be defeated by the hero right !! Again , it is what they create "Us vs Them " and make people afraid of a bunch of Loser Commies who never do anything of importance in today world !! OOOOOOHHHHHHH look out that could be a Commie with that mask on !!!

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By: Squid Pro Quo
7/11/2021 11:29 AM

Its funny the right downplayed the virsus that killed over 600k and said there is nothing to be afraid of because Donald would save us all by Easter 2020 in the same time they create this Commie onslaught that is looming over the country and must be defeated by the hero right !! Again , it is what they create "Us vs Them " and make people afraid of a bunch of Loser Commies who never do anything of importance in today world !! OOOOOOHHHHHHH look out that could be a Commie with that mask on !!!


And the left overplayed the virus to try to keep Trump from winning. The left turned a blind eye to the riots in multiple cities that were ten times more destructive than January 6th. Oh, I forgot, they were peaceful protests! This crap started getting bad after a certain set of people claimed “Not my President, resist.”

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By: Greg MD
7/11/2021 11:42 AM

Now we will get the entire Greek alphabet of virus variants. Roll up your sleeves and lower your drawers, time for booster shots!

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By: izzymcgee
7/11/2021 11:43 AM

Trumpo could have sent Federal troops in but didnt do it because he thought it would help his campaign if the Commies rioted and burn down buildings and he would sit back and watch like he did on Jan 6 TH !! .

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By: dandjw2
7/11/2021 11:47 AM

Its funny the right downplayed the virsus that killed over 600k and said there is nothing to be afraid of because Donald would save us all by Easter 2020 in the same time they create this Commie onslaught that is looming over the country and must be defeated by the hero right !! Again , it is what they create "Us vs Them " and make people afraid of a bunch of Loser Commies who never do anything of importance in today world !! OOOOOOHHHHHHH look out that could be a Commie with that mask on !!!


And the left overplayed the virus to try to keep Trump from winning. The left turned a blind eye to the riots in multiple cities that were ten times more destructive than January 6th. Oh, I forgot, they were peaceful protests! This crap started getting bad after a certain set of people claimed “Not my President, resist.”

Squid Pro Quo

I wouldn't call over 600k dead being overplayed but whatever
also none of the riots in multiple cities were attempting to overthrow the Constitutional duties of Congress
also I'd like to see the data that supports the "ten times more destructive" comment

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By: Greg MD
7/11/2021 11:48 AM

Trump offered Pelosi 10,000 troops, izzy. She refused.

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By: dandjw2
7/11/2021 12:04 PM

Trump offered Pelosi 10,000 troops, izzy. She refused.

Greg MD

debunked: Click to follow link...

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By: DevilDog
7/11/2021 12:05 PM

Its funny the right downplayed the virsus that killed over 600k and said there is nothing to be afraid of because Donald would save us all by Easter 2020 in the same time they create this Commie onslaught that is looming over the country and must be defeated by the hero right !! Again , it is what they create "Us vs Them " and make people afraid of a bunch of Loser Commies who never do anything of importance in today world !! OOOOOOHHHHHHH look out that could be a Commie with that mask on !!!


I’m sorry you’re not smart enough to recognize the socialist/communist threat to our country, McGee, but. it’s real, and the data proves it.

Rejecting everything you hear from non-Trump haters is just blatantly stupid, and one of the main reasons we find ourselves where we are today.

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By: DevilDog
7/11/2021 12:08 PM

Its funny the right downplayed the virsus that killed over 600k and said there is nothing to be afraid of because Donald would save us all by Easter 2020 in the same time they create this Commie onslaught that is looming over the country and must be defeated by the hero right !! Again , it is what they create "Us vs Them " and make people afraid of a bunch of Loser Commies who never do anything of importance in today world !! OOOOOOHHHHHHH look out that could be a Commie with that mask on !!!


I’m sorry you’re not smart enough to recognize the socialist/communist threat to our country, McGee, but. it’s real, and the data proves it.

Rejecting everything you hear from non-Trump haters is just blatantly stupid, and one of the main reasons we find ourselves where we are today.

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By: Greg MD
7/11/2021 12:11 PM

Trump offered Pelosi 10,000 troops, izzy. She refused.

Greg MD

debunked: Click to follow link...


False. Fake news.
