And the left overplayed the virus to try to keep Trump from winning. The left turned a blind eye to the riots in multiple cities that were ten times more destructive than January 6th. Oh, I forgot, they were peaceful protests! This crap started getting bad after a certain set of people claimed “Not my President, resist.”
I wouldn't call over 600k dead being overplayed but whatever
also none of the riots in multiple cities were attempting to overthrow the Constitutional duties of Congress
also I'd like to see the data that supports the "ten times more destructive" comment
Here’s your data: How many people died or were seriously injured on January 6th? (And don’t bother with the USCP officer that was initially reported to have been bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher. That isn’t true) Three died of natural causes and one was executed. Didn’t even get a chance to say hands up don’t shoot.
Many died in the peaceful protests and scores of LEO’s were beat, had caustic liquids thrown at them, etc. by those peaceful leftist protesters. Didn’t you see any of that? Maybe you and Izzy need to broaden your horizons and watch some different mediums for your news, because you’re missing what’s really going on.
I never claimed that there was no violence and destruction during the protests in the cities. I also know that there were many (the majority) of protesters that did not take part in the violence during those protests (the same as on Jan 6).
But I also do not equate the city protests with what happened on Jan 6.
Jan 6 was a violent attempt to stop the legal, constitutional duties of the duly elected representatives of the US government. That is an insurrection. It was driven by the sedition of those who were falsely claiming that the election had been stolen.
And, just as a side note. Both the violence that occurred in the cities and the insurrection of Jan 6 occurred during Trumps administration. I seem to remember during the campaign of 2016 he claimed to be the law and order candidate. Seems he failed miserably at that.
But there was no insurrection.
Nor was there any sedition.
There was also no treason, or anything even close to that, as no one, NOT ONE PERSON is being charged with any of the things you claim.
Zero, Zilch, Zip, Nada.
The only place those charges are being thrown around are the Kangaroo Court that is the mainstream media, and those clowns are just factually wrong.
You would do well to amend your bogus charges to reflect reality.
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