Are we all wrong?
The short answer to your short question is "yes."
Have a crystal ball, do you?
Without any reference to dictatorial corruption and a one commodity economy, the story of what befell Venezuela is grossly incomplete. Socialist policies, while contributory, are far from the complete responsibility fear mongers like to promote.
Ah, the old socialism apologist angle. You need to work outside of the Google algorithms to get beyond that mess.
The “corruption” cited in your link was made possible because they socialized all their industries, period.
We are not Venezuela. We are not going to be Venezuela. I'm willing to revisit these two statements as long as we both live, and they will always be true.
Red herring argument. The Venezuelan national warned of the signs of decent into socialism, which are all there.
If you want to see even more compelling evidence of our path toward Marxism, compare and contrast Mao’s Cultural Revolution C. 1967-1976, particularly the destruction of “The 4 Olds”.
Since opinion passes for sourcing around here...... Click to follow link...
Yet another red herring.
Even a peer-reviewed white paper is the opinion of the author, backed up by the opinions of the reviewers.
You can try to deny the cultural revolution that got going in earnest last year, but the facts on the ground speak volumes to the contrary.
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