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Media Narrative FAIL

By: DevilDog
7/20/2021 8:39 PM

We were taught not to hate in kindergarten in my town, not sure about yours.

Guess you forgot how your side ran a while No H8 campaign and stuff too, huh?


You didn't answer the question. Not surprising, but you're accusing izzy of the same. Hypocrite.


What, the have I ever met Hillary, Obama, etc. part?

No, and I don’t hate them either. It’s an emotion that I like to keep at bay.

Izzmo has plainly stated that he vehemently H8’s Trump, and I just wanted to hear specifics as to why, even if I already knew the answer.

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By: Bill
7/23/2021 5:41 PM

I hate Hitler and Joe Stalin and I never meet them . DD !!!Is that allowed ?


Told you you’d serve up another non-answer.

Stalin and Hitler committed genocide on millions of their own people, perfected concentration camps, and conquered large parts of Europe through war.

What did Trump do to put him in the same boat with those two?

Please cite specific examples for your similar hatred of a man who never did anything close to what they did.


Meanwhile Trump is on record saying Hitler did some really great things

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By: DevilDog
7/23/2021 5:56 PM

I hate Hitler and Joe Stalin and I never meet them . DD !!!Is that allowed ?


Told you you’d serve up another non-answer.

Stalin and Hitler committed genocide on millions of their own people, perfected concentration camps, and conquered large parts of Europe through war.

What did Trump do to put him in the same boat with those two?

Please cite specific examples for your similar hatred of a man who never did anything close to what they did.


Meanwhile Trump is on record saying Hitler did some really great things



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By: Aliphatic
7/23/2021 9:41 PM

I hate Hitler and Joe Stalin and I never meet them . DD !!!Is that allowed ?


Told you you’d serve up another non-answer.

Stalin and Hitler committed genocide on millions of their own people, perfected concentration camps, and conquered large parts of Europe through war.

What did Trump do to put him in the same boat with those two?

Please cite specific examples for your similar hatred of a man who never did anything close to what they did.


Meanwhile Trump is on record saying Hitler did some really great things




Do tell us, Urchin.

Who are you ok with being put into concentration camps in this country?

Who should we round up and gas or kill en masse?

All registered democratic voters?

The blacks? People of color?


By: izzymcgee
7/24/2021 9:53 AM

Read any of his many past posts and a long list of groups would be included !!

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By: DevilDog
7/24/2021 10:20 AM

Read any of his many past posts and a long list of groups would be included !!


Still palling around with the bat-crap crazy gay anal sex freak, eh, Magoo?

Didn't know you swung that way, but whatever peels your banana, I suppose.....

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By: izzymcgee
7/24/2021 11:16 AM

SU/DD , I wouldn't know Ali if he walked past me on the street . I just post here to bug you and it seems to work well !!!

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By: DevilDog
7/24/2021 11:22 AM

SU/DD , I wouldn't know Ali if he walked past me on the street . I just post here to bug you and it seems to work well !!!


Yet you support the buggerer at every turn, all while attempting to run me off at every turn.

Your motivations seem pretty skewed there, Magoo......


By: izzymcgee
7/24/2021 12:01 PM

Its working isn't it SU/DD ?

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By: DevilDog
7/24/2021 12:18 PM

Its working isn't it SU/DD ?


I'm not bugged in the least, so no, there you failed.

Entertained, now, that I am!

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By: Greg MD
7/24/2021 12:30 PM

Meanwhile Trump is on record saying Hitler did some really great things
- Bill

Sure he did, Bill. And the Chinese News Network you heard that from never showed you the truth about the enormous crowds at a Trump rally. Below is Butler, PA. Biden couldn't fill an ice cream parlor.

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