Hey Sea Urchin, we are different people. I guess you’re just the better man.
I wouldnt' say that at all, Fred, as this isn't a competition.
Just different, that's all, and in many cases different is a good thing.
It would be a mighty boring world if all our likes/dislikes were exactly the same....
Hey look at that, I agree with Sea Urchin. I guess stranger things have happened.
There's probably a whole bunch more topics that we'd be surprised we agree on, if we only take the time to find them.
That's why debates like this are GOOD for our country, which is the whole point of my being here after leaving the OBX and this site10+ years ago.
It morphed into den of censorhip, which I'm trying to change, hopefully for the better.
Hey Sea Urchin, oh yeah, I’m sure there are topics that we have common ground on. We just have different ways to express our views. Personally I don’t care for political talk. Doesn’t matter if it’s left or right, I’m good without it. I’m not hiding my head in the sand as bingy would say. I’m aware of what’s going on, I choose not to discuss it on a beach website. I’m somewhat aware of your history and connection here. I heard you worked hard for people’s rights.
Who knows what the future will bring. Later
Yep, and we’ll only find those middle grounds by talking about them, but if that’s not your thing, I can respect that.
While it is a beach website, this section is for politics, (LOCAL, I know, I know…..), but if you go back to 2007-2008 or so in the archives, you’ll see that in the early days, more varied topics than this were tolerated by the active Moderators of that era.
I’m working to bring that back to LI&P, because prior to the past 6+ months, this section was dead. That’s why I also keep my posts (mainly) here, with the exception of when Aliphallic shows up, or the talk turns to COVID.
I did indeed strive for freedom during the ORV wars, and I’m doing the same now in the culture wars, both brought to us by the same side of the coin, both wishing to silence dissenting voices as part of their plan.
OBC in recent years saw a small cadre of posters take the 5-flag feature’s original intent and abuse it via this same group flagging any and all posts by conservative posters, no matter what content or context, and I would hope you would agree that is not a good thing.
Many of that cadre have since left, and one day soon I will follow suit, when I’m satisfied the tide has been turned.
Until then I invite you to join in the debate, but understand if you decline.
Cheers, Fred! All is well from where I sit. (Which is the Bluegrass State, temporarily)
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