Haha! Make deer jerky! So many of them die a sad death in the winter. They are beautiful, but sadly many die starving and freezing to death over the winter. My son used to hunt them, and would cleanup and give to the maintenance staff at his old high school. He mostly only hunts ducks and birds now. People don't realize how many die in the winter a sad death. Thankfully, VA approved hunting on Sundays several years ago and it truly helps with the deer starving.
I'll be perfectly honest. I'm not a hunter. I have done it, but I did not enjoy it. I could do it to survive, but I don't want to do it otherwise. I'm not against it and will never turn down meat from my hunter friends. I usually have some venison meat in the freezer and will tear up some jerky.
There's plenty to feed on here during the winter, so we don't get a lot of starving. My neighbor throws out apples even though I told here that's a big mistake. The result is we get deer that will stand and watch you instead of running away. Until Coby goes charging of course.