By: Dhart
5/11/2023 9:05 PM

Todos al dia en su espanol?

Good luck, everyone! Disgusting!!!

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By: Bentmtn
5/11/2023 10:04 PM

Estoy de acuerdo, senor! Yep!!

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By: Greg MD
5/12/2023 7:42 AM

Olympus has already fallen. We work for the governoring class now. They make the laws and they own everything. See you on the farm.

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By: lowtide
5/12/2023 1:10 PM

Pagué mis impuestos con pesos. USA Flag

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By: LollyGirl
5/12/2023 1:48 PM

Olympus has already fallen. We work for the governoring class now. They make the laws and they own everything. See you on the farm.

Greg MD

Where some animals are more equal than others.

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By: J4yDubs
5/12/2023 5:54 PM

I wish there was more compassion in this country.

iyesusi mini yaderigi neberi?

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By: Greg MD
5/12/2023 6:39 PM

I wish there was a single tier of justice and more honesty in this country. Then maybe there would be more compassion. But here we are and divided we all fall. Enjoy your day.

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By: J4yDubs
5/12/2023 6:51 PM

I wish there was a single tier of justice and more honesty in this country. Then maybe there would be more compassion.

Greg MD

Totally agree with you Greg (never thought I'd say that!), but I won't let that hamper my compassion. It's more important to me than what others do and say.

I hope you also enjoy your day and weekend.

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By: Beach Farmer
5/12/2023 7:08 PM

I wish there was a single tier of justice and more honesty in this country. Then maybe there would be more compassion.

Greg MD

Totally agree with you Greg (never thought I'd say that!), but I won't let that hamper my compassion. It's more important to me than what others do and say.

I hope you also enjoy your day and weekend.


Bringing up "compassion" in the face of invasion is little more than Stockholm syndrome.

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By: lowtide
5/13/2023 7:14 AM

La invasión continúa y creo que se describirá como una invasión dentro de seis meses, al igual que hace seis meses. Mi compasión se extiende a las futuras generaciones estadounidenses que soportarán el impacto del aumento de los impuestos para apoyar la atención médica, la vivienda, la educación y la aplicación de la ley proporcionadas por el gobierno.
Mientras que los ricos encontrarán formas de disminuir el impacto de esta invasión de inmigrantes no investigados, la clase trabajadora no podrá evitar los impactos de sus vidas.

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By: Greg MD
5/13/2023 7:17 AM

Bringing up "compassion" in the face of invasion is little more than Stockholm syndrome.

Beach Farmer

The compassion will evaporate when they realize they are training their own replacements at work. Illegals will be happy with a third of a white or blue collar salary. This is not a prediction, it's already been happening the last several years.

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By: J4yDubs
5/13/2023 2:06 PM

So are we done complaining about higher prices and businesses unable to find employees? Yup, close the southern border and both problems will get worse...

The majority of us are descendants of immigrants. When they came over, they were the cheap labor. It's really sad that people don't think others should have that same opportunity. It's the American way, but people seem to be forgetting that. USA Flag

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By: Greg MD
5/13/2023 2:10 PM

By: J4yDubs
5/13/2023 2:13 PM

When you can't argue the points, attack the person...

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By: Greg MD
5/13/2023 6:07 PM

So selfish of you. You want cheap labor. So that's no shocker to anyone who has kept up with why the border is wide open. Cheap labor baited with free stuff on the taxpayer dime and a dem voter registration card.

We already have homeless American vets on our streets to whom we owe so much more. How about for every illegal alien let in, we give the same free stuff to two American vets - phone, loaded debit card, food, clothing, shelter and a free ride to wherever they want? Then do the same for the rest of the homeless. Yeah, I didn't think so.

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By: J4yDubs
5/13/2023 6:48 PM

My goodness. It's impossible for you to actually stay on topic, isn't it?

If we're going to talk about the military, I'm all for it. My Dad was in the Army. Served 2 tours in Vietnam. An actual hero who was also a registered Democrat (not sure why that matters but ok). The only leave he got was when I was born, 2 weeks (in 72). He got great benefits from his service and my Mom still gets them as well. You have absolutely no clue if you don't think our vets get good benefits. My Dad passed away from covid in 2021, but of course you think covid is a hoax, so you don't care about that. You don't care that my Mom was in the same hospital as my Dad, both receiving great care, both in a Army hospital (Womack if your curious). My Mom is still with us, my Dad is not. My Mom still gets all the on base services. I'm thankful for that.

The homeless vets you talk about do have benefits. I'm guessing you have no clue what your talking about and are instead just repeating stupid talking points. Go ahead, post about a vet you know that doesn't have benefits.

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By: Greg MD
5/13/2023 7:03 PM

Enjoy your drunken day.

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By: J4yDubs
5/13/2023 7:17 PM

Enjoy your drunken day.

Greg MD

Yup, exactly as expected. Keep being a sheep and paroting those talking points... USA Flag

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By: Squid Pro Quo
5/14/2023 7:57 AM

You probably don’t know this but there have been 10,000 migrants illegally crossing our southern border a day for the last week. And those are the ones we know about. Anybody who says our border is secure is a flat out liar. This isn’t a talking point, it’s a fact.

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By: Greg MD
5/14/2023 9:49 AM

You probably don’t know this but there have been 10,000 migrants illegally crossing our southern border a day for the last week. And those are the ones we know about. Anybody who says our border is secure is a flat out liar. This isn’t a talking point, it’s a fact.

Squid Pro Quo

He knows it. He likes to put lipstick on the pig to cover it up.

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By: Laszlo
5/14/2023 9:56 AM

By: Squid Pro Quo
5/14/2023 11:21 AM

So how are theses migrants supposed to work when they don’t have green cards? They’ll have to find an unscrupulous employer that cheats and pays them cash. And you wonder why the government needed to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. Going after small business.

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By: J4yDubs
5/14/2023 1:12 PM

So how are theses migrants supposed to work when they don’t have green cards? They’ll have to find an unscrupulous employer that cheats and pays them cash. And you wonder why the government needed to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. Going after small business.

Squid Pro Quo

You guys are all over the place. Now we're continuing to spread the 87000 new agents lie about the IRS?

"But that hasn’t stopped the conspiracy theories. The 87,000 new IRS agents claim appears to emanate from a May 2021 Treasury Department report that said such an investment is estimated to enable the agency to hire roughly 87,000 employees by 2031. But most of those wouldn’t be agents or necessarily even new positions. The increased funding was designed to cover a range of positions, including IT technicians and taxpayer services support staff, as well as experienced auditors who would be largely tasked with cracking down on corporate and high-income tax evaders.

Meanwhile, more than half of the agency’s current employees are eligible for retirement and are expected to leave the agency within the next five years. That means the IRS might net roughly 20,000 to 30,000 more employees from the new funding, enough to restore the tax-collecting agency’s staff to where it was roughly a decade ago."


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By: Greg MD
5/14/2023 1:25 PM

Never seen somebody so vigorously defend stupidity unless they had a government job and wanted to make sure their free buffet doesn't run out of food. It doesn't matter what things cost because the government doesn't need to make a profit nor does it have to be accountable to anyone besides the rest of the government freeloaders. So they take care of each other, screw over the taxpayers and the buffet stays stocked.

What government job do you have dubs? Who else that upvotes your posts is a government paycheck recipient?

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By: Squid Pro Quo
5/14/2023 1:46 PM

Um, but they are hiring. I’d no sooner read a fluff opinion piece from Time than you would watch Fox. But you avoided my question about how all of these illegal migrants will be able to get jobs. Under the table house keepers and lawn cutters?


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