Holly Cow

By: Rick
12/9/2003 4:08 PM

WE just had an earth Quake I think here in the Mountains of Va. I've never been threw one but the house was shaking like a giant bull dozer was going by......... Cool This was real


Where are you Rick? There was an earthquake in Virginia today, how wild! It was felt in Richmond and DC also. Jim C

12/9/2003 4:30 PM

By: Sue in MD
12/9/2003 4:32 PM

I felt it too here in Chevy Chase, MD!! Freeky!!! It is on the news now. No reports of damage yet. I hope none!!


By: Rick
12/9/2003 4:49 PM

I felt it in Northern Virginia. Sitting at my desk at work and suddenly began to feel a slight floating sensation. Thought it was heavy traffic outside or something. Looked around and no one else seemed to notice. Then a lady from office next door came running in and said the radio is reporting an earthquake in Central Virginia. WEIRD!!

12/9/2003 5:38 PM

I work in DC and didn't feel any thing (I must be getting too old). However, my kids felt it down in Prince William County.

12/9/2003 7:59 PM

I was on a ladder putting up Christmas lights here in Alexandria and I didn't feel anything. Didn't even know about it until the news came on.
I feel like I was cheated out of a cool thing.

12/9/2003 8:08 PM

By: Rick
12/9/2003 9:14 PM

I work in Manassas Arney what part of PW co. do you live? How ever I was home in Rappahannock co. when I felt it


By: OBXBev
12/9/2003 9:56 PM

I certainly felt it-- at 4pm, my kitchen windows started rattling. It lasted 20-30 seconds. The news says it was a 4.5. I live in Chester,Va which is 20min south of Richmond.


By: OcracokeFan
12/9/2003 10:56 PM

Well it is certainly strange to hear about earthquakes in Virginia. We live in Lima, Peru and have earthquakes several times a month. My folks were down visiting and felt their first one yesterday. They are from Virginia! I guess it was destiny that they feel their first one this week. Our's was strong enough to knock pictures off the wall here in Peru. That is strong enough for me!



I live in the Montclair/Dumfries area.

12/10/2003 7:42 AM

You were going to be talking about a "cow" with "holly" on it for Christmas! :o)

I felt the quake down here in Woodbridge...was sitting here at the computer when stuff started rattling on the desk, wall and floor. I'd been through a similar earthquake in PA so I thought that's what it was. I went downstairs and all the windows were rattling then I went outiside and it was dead silence. Thought though being so close to Quantico it could've been something down there. I even checked right away online at the NSGS and it wasnt showing anything going on. I actually forgot about it then checked the news and sure enough it was a small earthquake.

12/10/2003 8:15 AM

I work at a flowershop and we had a lot of weird things....strange coincendences happen yesterday. After we had so many odd things were going on I told my boss that something out of the norm besides what we had happen was going to take place. I left work at 3:15 and was home by 3:45 and then we had the earthquake at 4. I think its kinda odd that I said something was going to happen....weird huh?

Also what a conincedence that there's alot of people on this board from around here in VA!

12/10/2003 8:23 AM

By: Ace Mclean
12/10/2003 8:44 AM

That's pretty cool - are you from there originally? I've been to Argentina, and really wanted to visit Chile and Peru, but it was all work, work work.

I bet Peru has a nice combination of mountains and shoreline within close proximity. What are the beaches like?


By: OBXBev
12/10/2003 11:26 AM

That is weird! What kind of things were happening at the shop?


By: OcracokeFan
12/10/2003 11:37 AM

Hey Ace

No, I am originally from the mountains of Virginia. We have been here for about two years. Peru has a little bit of everything. We live in Lima on the coast. Here it is a complete desert, one of the driest places on earth. It hasn't rained here in over 400 years! But, the beaches are beautiful. Miles and miles (literally hundreds of miles) with no buildings, no people. The surf has huge waves however at many places. Great surfing. The mountains are visible from the beach. Then they climb to a height of around 22,000 feet at the highest.

It is a very unusual place



I used to live in Dale City, behind Pitkins.

12/10/2003 12:19 PM


I used to live in Dale City, behind Pitkins.

12/10/2003 12:19 PM

12/10/2003 12:57 PM

What led you to Peru?


By: Rick
12/10/2003 6:50 PM

Know it well I helped build the golf course there back in the 70's Lived on Dominion Drive then behind Pizza hut on Rt 1



When I first moved to Woodbridge in 1987 I lived in Bayvue (a.k.a. Crackview) Apartments. Luckily it was only for one year.

12/11/2003 8:48 AM