OBX Connection Home > OBX Connection Forum > What Are Your Fitness / Diet Goals For 2008?
What Are Your Fitness / Diet Goals For 2008?

By: Will
12/31/2007 2:47 PM

Since many people start off the New Year with resolutions, it seem appropriate to list some personal goals on New Year's Eve. In 2008, I want to:

1. Lose 10 - 15 pounds of winter weight
2. Get back into a regular weight lifting routine

Feel free to list your 2008 goals here. Don't be shy...we're all friends here!



By: dave s
12/31/2007 3:03 PM

My goal is to get back into a regular fitness program. I loved it once I did, but it is just getting started that is the hardest part. I promised my Dr. that I would lose 15 to 20 lbs by my next physical in Oct. Of course mybe not eating the Christmas cookies while I'm typing this would be a start


By: NCWest
12/31/2007 4:15 PM

With the knee pain I have been having I want to get off some weight. Starting slow and sticking with the diet and getting some exercise. I would love to hear some of your low-cal dishes, diet plans. Its so hard for me to diet.. I love to cook and try new thing but the time has come for me to loose some weight.


By: Will
12/31/2007 5:30 PM


I'm going to do the Atkins Diet for a couple weeks. It works well for me and is easy to follow. You might want to check with your doctor as some don't approve of the Atkins diet.



By: fish_oinc
12/31/2007 5:31 PM

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired I seriously want to loose 50 pound but 100 would be better, I did it once before it just takes determination, Exercise hurt me too much with arthritis and bad back and feet that always hurt I got to loose weight first before I can get into exercise, the weight is what makes every thing else hurt I want to live long enough the catch that big drum I have Always dreamed of

I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can


By: deb pgh
12/31/2007 6:05 PM

I have lost 32lbs this past year and my goal is to lose 50 more before our vacation in August. It is amazing how losing even 10lbs makes such a difference in how you feel. Pick up two 5lb bag of potatoes at the grocery store and you'll see what I mean!


By: wvfemail
12/31/2007 6:06 PM

This is great,I stopped smoking 4 years ago(so I don't have to worry about that one), but I have been on a yo-yo diet ever since...I started Weight Watchers(again) in November and have done better,even with the holidays,that I have for awhile.Hopefully we can support each other and share ideas and recipes,etc...I have a long way to go to get where I want to be,so I'll take all the help I can get....Heading for Rodanthe,May 17,2008

Happy New Year everyone, Party


By: obxwannabeinwnc
12/31/2007 7:37 PM

This is great! I needed a new kind of "Will Power". Maybe this is it. Losing my Dad to cancer in October was a huge wake up call for me. I need to lose half of me. A support group would be great.


By: Woodduck
12/31/2007 9:24 PM

My wife and I want to walk more
and find a Scotch Bonnet.

Anyone know where is best, I'm all ears.


By: beachbum98_98
1/1/2008 1:11 AM

I've done the Atkins diet a few times in the past, and it does work if you stick with it. Think I might be giving that another try....all this "holiday eating" has made my clothes shrink the last few times I put them in the dryer. Whistle

I'd also like to cut down and eventually quit smoking......one thing at a time though.

The best exercise, of course, is walking. I guess I'll have to drag out that exercise tape with Leslie ??whatshername and "Walk Away the Pounds". I also have an eliptical machine, but it's a cheaper home version of the gymn elipticals and not so challenging.

Good luck to all of you on your mission to drop a few, and to those of you who already have.... Clapping smiley Thumbs up Congratulations!!


By: Mary Ann
1/1/2008 10:17 AM

First of all, Will Thanks for the new forum Thumbs up

I got a new bathroom scale for Christmas, the brand name is Thinner, but I weigh 7 lbs heavier on the "thinner" scale, than my old one. I'm not surprised about the weight gain, I've been sidelined from my normal exercise routine with an injured calf muscle. It's driving me crazy not to do my normal exercise routine every day.

I've done South Beach diet and lost 26 lbs. I'm starting back on the low carb kick again. Too much sugar and starch over the holidays and no way to burn off the extra calories.

For those who have never exercised. It's never too late. Pick a form of exercise that you will enjoy, walking, swimming whatever. Don't just start exercising, set a reachable goal, so you'll have something to work towards. The more you exercise the better you feel and you'll want to do more. I used to make excuses about exercising, now it drives me crazy when I can't exercise, like now.

My goal this year is to do another Grand Canyon backpacking trip (a different route this time). I need to build more stamina which means more cardio.

Here's a web site that's great for helping you target various muscles

Good luck everyone.



By: vanative
1/1/2008 10:26 AM

...i hope to lose 20-25 pounds this year...by eating smaller portions and getting back into my exercise routine...i hurt my back two years ago and its been a struggle to keep the weight off...hopefully this is the year......................


By: RAHohio
1/1/2008 11:54 AM

I'd like to get rid of my cubical butt.

Specifically I'd like to lose 15lbs by June. That would put me back at my wedding weight from 4years ago.

I've been using the free website www.sparkpeople.com it has a great nutrition section where you can track what you are eating on a daily basis. And it tells you what you are lacking.


By: obx4cindy
1/1/2008 12:48 PM

My goal is walk on the treadmill 5 times per week. Lose 50lbs by Sept. Ultimate goal is 100lbs. I will be 50 in July 2009 and can't do anything about being 50 but can change the being fat part. I love this new topic. Now if I could find an ocean dvd so when I'm on the treadmill it would be like the beach. Good luck to everyone. Let's do this together Clapping smiley


By: NCWest
1/1/2008 12:50 PM

RAHohio, That is a great website. Thanks!


By: beachbum98_98
1/1/2008 3:47 PM

Everyone should remember....if you're not on an exercise program of any kind and you start one, you're gonna start building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat...so when you start losing the fat and building the muscle, you may not see the difference on the scales that you think you should. It doesn't mean you're not making progress.....your clothes are going to let you know how much....not neccessarily the scales. Good luck!


By: Sunofabeach
1/1/2008 11:36 PM

I need to lose some middle pounds. You know, the ones that accumulate in your middle. smiley What is the best way to lose the love handles, beer gut, and "man boobs?" My wife says I might need a training bra soon! I plan on spending a lot of time at the beach from now on, and I can't be looking like this. I don't want to bulk up, I just want to trim down if that makes sense. This is an area that I have absolutely no knowledge in...I never had a problem with my weight. If anything, it was hard to GAIN weight in past years. Now that my metabolism has caught up with me, my weight is getting ahead of me. I'm not overweight by any means. I feel that I just look disproportioned or "dumpy." Any advice would be awesome.

Lucky Good luck to everyone else on meeting their goals! Thumbs up


By: salvo dog
1/2/2008 12:25 AM

Sparkpeople.com looks like a good site. This should help anyone who desires to get fit. I feel like I need to lose 25lbs. the site says 50. If I can get somewhere in between I'll be happy. Thanks for the info. USA Flag


By: flip-flops
1/2/2008 9:12 AM

loose 50 or more before Feb 09.. We are going to Mexico for parents 50th


By: StephVA
1/2/2008 10:38 AM

I want to continue going to the gym every other day and doing the treadmill at home on the days I don't go.

I've reached a healthy, maintainable and happy weight. It took me a LONG time to be able to say that. The number you weigh is just a number. You have to feel comfortable in your skin. You can't strive to be .... lbs. You may get there and still not like what you "see" in the mirror.


By: LuvOBX
1/2/2008 11:38 AM

I'm happy to share that I lost 80 lbs in 2007! My goal for Christmas was to NOT eat any desserts or Christmas cookies. It was weird cause I used to love sweets and I thought seeing the cookies would really bother me but it didn't. I reached my Christmas goal & did NOT eat a single cookie! Yay!

My goal for 2008 is to slim down my waist & stomach and to wear a tankini on the beach. Something I have not been able to do since I had my three kids.


By: LuvOBX
1/2/2008 11:50 AM

I totally agree with your comments StephVa. I never weighed myself as I was losing weight this past year. I went by how I felt & how my clothing fit me. We tend to get to caught up with numbers. Starting off by setting simply goals that are reasonable & can be met is important and the beginning of a successful plan.


By: kemp
1/2/2008 12:48 PM

Would be successful if I lost 15 lbs. My goal is to lose it slowly, probably 2 lbs a week. The real challenge will be to re-educate myself on eating habits.


By: hoi toide
1/2/2008 5:50 PM

Do fingernails have calories? Sorry, that's just gross! OMG smiley I want to get back to swimming laps at the indoor college pool nearby & fit into my jeans ASAP! Then i'll try laying off the nails, one thing at a time...


By: NCWest
1/2/2008 7:59 PM

LuvOBX, WOW thats great! Congratulations!!

If you don't mind me asking... what was your diet plan? low-carb... low -cal?
