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Best Time Of Day To Exercise?

By: Will
1/7/2008 3:06 PM

What time of the day do you normally exercise? I'm all over the place with the time of my workouts, but I find early mornings are the best for me.


By: StephVA
1/7/2008 3:43 PM

I either go to Ladies Workout Express about 4pm or wait until 7pm. I go MWF & Saturdays.
The days I don't go, I usually exercise infront of the tv after 8pm when Jack has gone to bed or getting ready for bed.
I do find that if I exercise (treadmill) to close to bed time, I'm wired and can't go to bed.
I'm not at all interested in exercising in the morning time. Not listening


By: vabankerlvsobx
1/7/2008 4:00 PM

Will, last summer when I was swimming I was in the pool at 5:00am every morning. It got my day off to a great start. But since I can't do very much these days and I just called the Rec Center about their hours I will have to wait until 5:30 in the evenings to go there. I just think being able to get up and exercise early really helps with the day. But of course I am a Vice President of Credit Operations for a bank and anything is better then that!! So you can see why I'm a little twisted!!! Wink smiley


By: Biff
1/7/2008 5:57 PM

When do you want to start feeling good?


By: bobbyg
1/7/2008 6:20 PM

If I don't work out in the morning, it doesn't happen. Plus I have the added benefit of not being hungry for hours. I have commercial quality equipment in my home though. I was getting too many colds at the nasty Bally's that we belonged to in Chesapuke.


By: NCWest
1/7/2008 7:21 PM

I think the best time is morning.. That way I don't have to worry about not getting it in.. Ya'll know Austin is here with me in the day time ..I have got him started, like he needs it, and we do some exercises after breakfast.


By: Mary Ann
1/7/2008 7:23 PM

I'd rather exercise in the morning, but I start work at 7:30 and between the getting the kids up, getting the critters feed, packing my lunch and getting myself ready, exercising in the a.m. is not going to happen. I stop on my way home from work (4 p.m.). I use it as a time to destress from work.


By: justbeachy
1/7/2008 11:05 PM

anytime is a good time and any kind of activity should be counted as exercise Tounge smiley .......and that's how I work it out.

like everyone else my biggest excuse was I HAD NO TIME .......so now my motto is....anytime is good as long as you are up off your butt and doing something!! Remember in one of my post this last week? .....having no time for exercise that particular day my hyper little beachette and I got up and walked vigorously in the house, we skipped, ran, crawled(OUCH),50 sit-ups, scissor cuts and climbed stairs for 45 min to an hour.....I tell ya it was better then that expensive gym/equipment and the personal trainer i had...lol... Thumbs up smiley


By: Sal
1/8/2008 5:40 PM

All day long. I've actually lost weight and my blood pressure went down since I started working at HD. When people ask me how I lost the weight I tell them it's the Home Depot Workout!! Lots of lifting, bending and just plain running around all over the place. Not everyone there works like I do. I actually like manual labor after being in an office envoironment for over 30 years. I LOVE BEING BLUE COLLAR!!! smiley with shades


By: Sue
1/9/2008 10:06 AM

I haven't joined yet, but the Curves near me opens at 6:30 am and I was thinking of going then, the workout is 30 minutes long. That still gives me plenty of time to go home, shower and get to work before 9:00.


By: lmagsinpa
1/9/2008 12:10 PM

Well I would love to work out first thing in the morning, unfortunately I am at work by 6:15 am which means I would have to get up at least 1/2 hour early (4:15). Then I go immediately to my second job from 3:30 - 5:30 pm, then I run home to take my daughter to dance class (1/2 hr drive each way). I have only had time to walk on my treadmill for 30 minutes the past two days. I then pick my daughter up and I'm home at around 9:15 pm. I need to shower and somehow get to bed by 10:00 pm. So it looks as if i will have to wake up 1/2 hr early & also 1/2 hr in between dropping & picking my daughter up. UGGGGHHHH. No wonder why I'm exhausted!!! I do managed to make it to the gym on Sunday mornings and do a 2 hour workout!


By: Sue
1/9/2008 3:10 PM

Holy Cow ~ you're daily routine sounds exhausting! I need a nap . . .


By: taylormade
1/10/2008 12:07 PM

The hour before a meal is best for me, particularly dinner. I'm usually starving after a strenuous workout.
