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10 worst food for 07'

By: StephVA
1/8/2008 10:54 AM

Someone posted on here that they use www.sparkpeople.com. I checked it out and the site has a lot of helpful info and a great exercise "how to's".
I also found this list - OMG - how do people eat this food. I can barely get down a kids meal with water before feeling like I need a nap.



By: Mary Ann
1/8/2008 11:09 AM

Geez OMG smiley After looking at those, I'm going to enjoy my salad at lunch even more.


By: siswalker
1/8/2008 1:33 PM

GROSS! After doing alot of reading lately, I've decided (and Dr. Oz agrees) that high fructose corn syrup is one of the worst things we put in our bodies and it is in almost everything.I'm being so label conscious to avoid it. HFCS makes your body feel that it is never full.It is in lots of "diet" foods...
