The Atkins diet does not suggest that you eat more of any category of food, but it does report ( as do many others now ) that eliminating non-nutritional carbs like bleached processed flour (gluten) and white sugar will cause a person to reduce excess weight and change the store and burn cycle to a more even and more active matabolic rate. The overwhelming evidence shows that those who adopt the changes have reduced hd/ld ratios, lowered blood sugar, and in many instances gained complete control over type 2 diabetes. Eating protein in combination with exercise can enable the body to build muscle mass which burns more calories in a resting state than fat. The conventional diet of low fat intake has led to a generation of people having weight problems and resultant health problems and low energy levels that exacerbate the very condition they seek to remedy. So some who have dieted, been conditioned to "hate" food and find themselves facing risky and temporary surgery to reduce the amount of food they ingest find they are no healthier than before. I find it hard to believe that the body reduces fat and yet some say that a practioner has more fat in their blood. Doesn't this contradict the hd/ld ratios? In it's simplest form, I ask any nutritionist to explain to me what eliminating (during induction phase only) and then reducing the intake of "empty carbs" such as white sugar and white bread and replacing them with whole grains and honey (as an example) does wrong. You may be the exception, but most naysayers I have talked with have never read the real science or even the message. For a more moderate view than his somewhat incindiary rhetoric, try reading Dan and Mary Eades protein power, or study the South Beach Diet. 'Scuse me, the air gets thin on this high horse up here, LOL.