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daughter is a history geek

By: kelly from ohio
8/4/2008 2:41 AM

Since we have a "surprise" trip planned--one week from [I]maybe[/I] to yes--NEVER done that before--my daughter is quickly wondering what she can scope out. Didn't someone say something about old cemeteries, maybe in Nags Head Woods or something? Anybody have any tips about some off the beaten path places to explore?--been coming for many years and have been to all the usual places.


By: Elwyn
8/4/2008 6:20 AM

There is a cemetary on Ocracoke, that has British sailers buried there. Once a year a British flag is shipped over to Ocracoke so they can honor them.


By: roanokeis
8/4/2008 12:04 PM

The Austin cemetery is back in Kitty Hawk village. Just turn on Kitty Hawk Village road and drive all the way back. There are some really old homes back there too. [URL]Click to follow link...[/URL] If you go to Nags Head Woods you can find some really old tombstones on one of the hiking trails. Be sure to have bug spray where ever you go. Here is the link for Nags Head Woods. Read the site description as it talks about the former village that was there and what remains. [URL]Click to follow link...[/URL] Take your camera and post photos of what you find. Happy trails!

Since we have a "surprise" trip planned--one week from [I]maybe[/I] to yes--NEVER done that before--my daughter is quickly wondering what she can scope out. Didn't someone say something about old cemeteries, maybe in Nags Head Woods or something? Anybody have any tips about some off the beaten path places to explore?--been coming for many years and have been to all the usual places.


By: kelly from ohio
8/5/2008 3:15 AM

Thanks! We've seen the British cemetery, and we may make a day trip to Ocracoke again. Since her camera is surgically implanted to her hand, I'm sure there will be lots of pictures! Our life is nothing if not well documented. She's bringing her laptop, so we'll post if we have internet.


By: schredhammer
8/6/2008 11:45 AM

All I have to say is: Portsmouth Island. My family and I did the 4-wheeler/ATV excursion out of Ocracoke and it was fantastic. If I remember correctly, it was $80 per person. If you do go, take bug spray! There were thick clouds of mosquitos, and I'm suprised we still had blood left at the end of the day.

Here's pics from P.I. that I have on my photobucket. I'll post some more when I get home from work.


By: obxcrew
8/7/2008 1:22 AM

Love the pics !!!! that last one really caught my eye.. If I stare at it, I get the feeling it's jumping up at me.. like the ocean and clouds are moving... soooo neat..thanks. It's just beautiful..like it goes on forever.


By: kelly from ohio
8/7/2008 2:56 AM

very beautiful. I can't wait!


By: schredhammer
8/7/2008 4:27 PM

Ok, got more pics of Portsmouth.
1. Is the church
2. Somee more houses
3. View from the life station tower.


By: schredhammer
8/7/2008 4:34 PM

These are pictures of Portsmouth from the air. Every year we take a flight tour with Mr. Burrus :smiley16:

Click on the thumbnails to view them in full resolution:







By: Jason
8/11/2008 2:21 PM

Portsmouth is awesome. BUT, I don't know if mosquito spray will be enough. When we went we were eaten alive. You get the option to be dropped off at the beautiful beach or to go directly into town. It was all we could do to get through town. The mosquitoes stop as soon as you reach the beach, guess the wind is too strong for them.


By: hoi toide
8/11/2008 4:02 PM

A beekeeper's head gear would be ideal! Forum member "Bluejay" has posted some pics of just such a get up w/ long sleeves, long pants, shoes/socks. Though i'm quite certain they'll still find a way at your v. lifeblood. We were fine in the village for a wedding, thought we'd walk out to the beach & when we hit the duneline...Shoo Wee! Run for your life!


By: schredhammer
8/11/2008 10:12 PM

You're right, they still get through your clothing, even if you have the net suits on. :mad:


By: Renee
8/12/2008 3:55 PM

The time we went (September) we stayed on the beach with our 4 wheelers teh whole time and the skeeters weren't bad. But woe be unto you if you attempted tohead back into the dunes or back to the cabins!! We turned down the ATV road attempting to head into the village and very quickly chaned our minds. I looked down and my legs were black with skeeters!! We decided to save that journey for another day or time, preferably MUCH later in the calendar year. Here is as far as we got:


By: vanative
9/7/2008 10:09 PM

Since we have a "surprise" trip planned--one week from [I]maybe[/I] to yes--NEVER done that before--my daughter is quickly wondering what she can scope out. Didn't someone say something about old cemeteries, maybe in Nags Head Woods or something? Anybody have any tips about some off the beaten path places to explore?--been coming for many years and have been to all the usual places.
...i am also a history geek...go to nags head woods...it is a great place....just turn right at pigmans on the by pass....and just go till you see the nature conservity...turn left and enjoy...wifey and i hiked it this spring....it does have an old cemetary....take time and read the names....it also many ruins of a life long since past....plan a day and take a picnic lunch....you will not regret it.......gene and dale....ake vanative.........


By: obxhistorybuff
9/8/2008 1:08 AM

For a real history lesson go to Bodie Island Lighthouse on a Thursday.. Lighthouse Keeper's son John Gaskill volunteers there and has an autobiography. He a LOTS of history to share. He lived at the lighthouse from 1919 until the '30s.

Also, stumbled onto Cheryl Shelton-Roberts who owns the Book Island in The Christmas Shop in Manteo... she is an author and founder of the Outer Banks LIghthouse Society... I spent nearly an hour talking to her.

I'm sure there are many more folks like these to be found...


By: FreshFish
6/7/2009 4:28 PM

The most interesting cemetary to me is the one behind what they call the Salvo day use area, where the old campground was...Not even sure it's still there as the sound was/has taken a toll on it...Really, really, old...IM:fish:


By: Sheller
6/7/2009 7:26 PM

And while you are in Ocracoke... go to Springer's Point. It is a nature preserve. A cemetery there holds Sam Jones and his horse. It is also a lovely walk through the ancient trees. At the end you come out to Teach's Hole. Follow the lighthouse road and bear left at the end. The local maps will show how to get there.
Ocracoke has many very old cemeteries, some on the same road as the British one and others on old Howard Street. They are all worth a visit.
