My husband just had bloodwork done and his cholestorel came back at 200 on the nose. Dr said 3 months to bring it down, or go on meds.
I am now in charge of his diet..5 sevings of fruit/veggies a day, oatmeal everyday for breakfast, and apple or pear everyday for snack at some point, low fat foods, fish oil caplets, more healthy oils (those were down, bad were up) no more pizza three times a week for him! Almonds or peanuts at his desk at work..with orders not to have more then a handful or so a day...also some dark chocolate for a treat. A bottle of red wine in the frig, for a nice little evening treat. Popcorn and salsa are good snacks now instead of chips, dip and ice cream. 30 grams of fiber at least a day for him...GOOD wheat bread instead of white.
when I first said "5 serving of fruit or veggies" he acted like I was nuts and there was no way that could be done in a he is eating more then that, with out me even prompting!
Though he is about 6 foot 1, he only weighed in at 206..not too bad..but in the first ten days or so he lost 6 pounds!
He is already very active, so that wasn't a sticking point for him..and his sugar and BP were he is lucky he only has one monkey on his back..but I am glad it was caught now, and not later when there was more time for more damage to be done.
Me? I have to get off this computor today and get my butt out's actually above no excuses for being a slug.
Congrats and good luck to all who are struggling and are making it work for YOU! Because YOU are worth it.