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OUCH. Oh my aching hamstring.

By: Mary Ann
4/29/2009 7:24 PM

I sprained my hamstring running and aggravated it more by heavily-weighted leg presses and stair master sessions with a weighted pack. Dr. sent me straight to PT. They shouldn't call it physical therapy, it's physical torture. Just finished my first session and I think I'm in more pain now, then I was before. :cry: The bright spot in all of this is that I've switched to swimming, which is something I've really missed doing. Just changing my routine triggered my metabolism and I've dropped 3 lbs this week.


By: Mary&Paul
4/29/2009 10:47 PM

They shouldn't call it physical therapy, it's physical torture. Just finished my first session and I think I'm in more pain now, then I was before. :cry:

You are so right. I had "PT" for a back injury a few years ago and missed two days of work after my first session because I could not physically get out of bed. I had to tell the therapist that she had to back off a bit because I could not keep missing work due to her "treatments." My boss was having PT also and we decided that they should send terror suspects to PT and they would open right up (that or have them bikini waxed...) :roflmao:


By: Mary Ann
5/2/2009 12:30 AM

Geez the 2nd treatment today was worse than the first. The therapist found the exact spot the muscle is hurt and did a deep tissue massage on it. I was in tears. The injury is at the top of the medial hamstring, so it hurts to most when I sit. After today's session it hurt even more, but it must have done some good because I no longer feel a pop with every step, just every once and awhile.


By: Mary&Paul
5/3/2009 2:03 AM

Sounds like it is making some improvement... hope you feel better soon!


By: dsmyhubby
5/5/2009 12:53 AM

Sounds painful..hope it is easing up some for you!


By: dsmyhubby
5/5/2009 12:54 AM

Also, congrats on your 3 pound loss anyway!


By: NEnewfie
5/6/2009 2:22 AM

Mary Ann, did your PT say anything about your glute strength? a lot of time we see folks who are over-using hamstrings instead of kicking into the glutes. Surprisingly, people can even use the calf to compensate for weak glutes. the human body is amazing at compensation and cheating!! Just curious, why the weighted pack while on the stairmaster (do you mean stairmaster or stepmill)? I'm sure it does help burn some extra calories, but is there any other reason? Seems like you are fortunate that you didn't hurt your back. Awesome job on your weight loss!! Remember to ease into it, we also see a lot of shoulder injuries do to over-using the pull buoy! Have fun with those workouts, have you tried spinning?


By: Mary Ann
5/8/2009 4:27 PM

NEnewfie - The weighted pack on the stairmaster is part of my training for a Rim to Rim backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon in Sept. People are often misled in backpacking. They think they're in good shape and can walk 10 miles a day. But it's a whole new game when you have to walk 10 miles with a 40 lb. pack on your back, thus the pack training is very important. The canyon is an extreme hike, which is why I use the stairmaster and treadmill set to the highest grade. I can't always make out on the trails, so the stairmaster/treadmill are my supplements to real hikes. My back has never hurt from the pack (knock on wood). I'm a gym rat and religiously do both cardio and weight training. The PT hasn't mention glute strength, but is giving me lots of exercises to strenghten the hamstrings and glutes, as well as quads and calves. I made a lot of progress this week, he was really pleased with how well it's responding.


By: NCWest
5/8/2009 6:11 PM

Mary Ann, Good luck to you on your hike. I have been to the GC a few times and want no part of the hike. Your training will pay off.


By: NEnewfie
5/10/2009 1:19 PM

Excellent! I've seen a lot of treadmill work for those particular hikes, but not as much stairmaster, great plan! I've even seen some walking backward on the treadmill (on the incline) to really dig into those glutes. One of my friends did some grand canyon hike, there was one thing very specific that she did to train for the descents. I've never done something like that, but apparently the foot shifting forward in the shoe is painful. I swear she said that was worse than going up! She had a great time! work that core like crazy, you'll do great! I'm super impressed!


By: skolapper
9/4/2009 3:27 AM

Hey Tim.. Sorry to hear about your injury and hope you get back to fitness ASAP..

Just one question… can I have those Titanium screws when your finished with them ?
