I saw this on a weight loss forum and thought it was interesting.
Here is a formula to calculate how many calories per day to eat and how much weight you can expect to lose a week
#1= current weight x12 =calories to maintain current weight
#2=goal weight x12 =calories to maintain goal weight
#3= #1-#2 x7 =calorie deficit per day x 7 days a week
#4= #3/3500(calorie deficit required to lose 1 pound (1260/3500=0.36 pounds of weight loss per week
Here's an example using my current weight & goal weight
1920-1740=180 180x7=1260
1260/3500=0.36 pounds per week expected weight loss
To lose more than that per week you either have to increased calories burned by exercising more or lower your calories per day
If I went on a 1400 calorie a day diet
1920-1400 = 520 x 7 = 3640
3640/3500= 1.04 pounds per week expected weight loss