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Weight Loss Update (Again)..

By: steveo270
10/27/2009 11:38 AM

So, I have not posted any updates on my weight loss recently. I haven't given up, and I have been staying on track. I have now lost 36 pounds in over the last 10 weeks. Not a bad total number to date. There have been times where it has been sooooo tempting to throw in the towel and make bad decisions, but I have been able to stay strong. I made it through "Fall Birthday Season", where I had 6 birthday parties to attend in 4 weeks. My ability to say "no" to the "bad" stuff (cake, ice cream, cookies, chips, fried stuff) has suprised even me. I am finding it hard to keep my pants from falling down all the time! I am more than halfway to my vacation weight loss goal, which is 60 pounds. I have found that by setting small loss goals, that it is easier to accomplish. I generally make a goal to lose a specific amount by a specific time (I have almost reached my first goal- 38 pounds by Thanksgiving). I do have other goals in mind that are much smaller and much more attainable that I will work on when I reach my first goal. I have symbolic weight numbers that I am using to set my goals, and that helps as well. I think this may be the start of something good, and I will periodically post updates!


By: wvfemail
10/27/2009 11:48 AM

Sounds like you're doing great...keep it up...


By: healthjoypeace
10/27/2009 1:26 PM

Yay!! Time to go shopping and get a couple of pairs of pants that fit as a reward for you hard work and stellar results!!


By: Seahawk
10/27/2009 5:19 PM

[COLOR=deepskyblue]Awesome! You can do it![/COLOR] [COLOR=#00bfff]I just got the new WII FIT Plus. I love being able to custom tailor my workout routine now.[/COLOR]


By: fish_oinc
10/28/2009 12:59 AM

Good work Steve I know what your going threw I'm falling behind on my exercise mostly because of the shorter daylight I need to kick in up a notch find an alternative exercise that I can do in the house .


By: steveo270
10/28/2009 2:42 AM

[COLOR=deepskyblue]Awesome! You can do it![/COLOR] [COLOR=#00bfff]I just got the new WII FIT Plus. I love being able to custom tailor my workout routine now.[/COLOR]
My wife just got it the other day and is enjoying all the new, fun stuff she can do.


By: steveo270
10/28/2009 2:45 AM

Good work Steve I know what your going threw I'm falling behind on my exercise mostly because of the shorter daylight I need to kick in up a notch find an alternative exercise that I can do in the house .
In the past few months, I took a new position with my current employer that gives me more stability in my schedule and it allows me to set a schedule for hitting the gym. I generally allow for 4 times a week, sometimes 5 if I am feeling really spry. I am just now starting to incorporate lifting into the routine. I felt it best to start with just cardio, but now I am doing some lifting (not too heavy) just to allow for toning. I do that 2-3 times per week after the cardio. I also count stuff like mowing the lawn and heavy walking into my exercise.


By: zachsmom
11/5/2009 7:57 PM

Great job, Steve! I just started losing...slowly. I plan on looking this entry up from time to time for motivation.


By: fish_oinc
11/5/2009 10:31 PM

You go zachsmom slow is good keep us informed that will inspire you too.
