Can you please tell us more about the colon and yeast cleanse?
Sure, here you go! A large portion of the population have an overpopulation of yeast/candida due to antibiotic use, overindulging in sugar/simple carbs/alcohol, and stress. It affects the sinuses and stomach as well as other, hurumph, areas. Doing a cleanse will reduce their numbers- it's a good idea to take a probiotic, also.
Doing a Colon Cleanse will take care of those unwelcome beasties that 80% of us harbor due to having pets in the home, eating not-properly-cleaned food, and poor washing habits. Getting rid of them will help you lose a few pounds. Not that they weigh THAT much but, I think because your body becomes inflamed as a response to them. Who wants them anyway? YUCK! I do a colon cleanse annually.hth :smiley1: