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Before & After photos

By: OBX Nut
1/1/2010 1:13 PM

Last year I lost about 20 pounds and I would like to lose about 5-10 more then maintain my weight. If you count all my up & down pounds I probably lost 200. Up 2 pounds down 1. lol. Seems like those last few pounds are so hard to lose. Plan on sticking to my low carb diet in the New Year to lose the last few. Before photo After photo


By: dsmyhubby
1/1/2010 3:45 PM

Great for you...isn't it amazing how you can really see it in the face when you lose weight? I'm down about 33 pounds since Oct. 08, and actually lost .6 pounds in the week of Christmas and New Years...not too shabby for all the good food and drinks hanging out here. (I guess all that sled riding helps!!) I'd still like to drop another 10 pounds by summer time, and you are right, those last few are the tough ones! They just don't want to budge. I really need to down-size my jeans again...my size 10's are too baggy anymore...wohooooooo for me! I don't mind buying new when I get to go down a size or two!


By: Ashley-VA
1/1/2010 6:39 PM

Way to go OBX Nut & Dsmyhubby! :banana:


By: steveo270
1/1/2010 7:00 PM

Great for you! Keep it up!


By: healthjoypeace
1/1/2010 7:08 PM

Wow, nice job, both of you! You could try doing a yeast or colon cleanse to lose those last, stubborn pounds; it worked for mine.


By: Shapely Lady
1/4/2010 1:25 AM

Can you please tell us more about the colon and yeast cleanse?


By: OBX Nut
1/4/2010 11:32 PM

Great for you...isn't it amazing how you can really see it in the face when you lose weight? I'm down about 33 pounds since Oct. 08, and actually lost .6 pounds in the week of Christmas and New Years...not too shabby for all the good food and drinks hanging out here. (I guess all that sled riding helps!!) I'd still like to drop another 10 pounds by summer time, and you are right, those last few are the tough ones! They just don't want to budge. I really need to down-size my jeans again...my size 10's are too baggy anymore...wohooooooo for me! I don't mind buying new when I get to go down a size or two!
I am going to lower my carbs to less than 10 per day the next few days to see if that will help me lose a few more pounds. You did really good to lose any weight at all during Christmas & New Years. Most people gain during that week myself included.


By: healthjoypeace
1/5/2010 12:09 AM

Can you please tell us more about the colon and yeast cleanse?
Sure, here you go! A large portion of the population have an overpopulation of yeast/candida due to antibiotic use, overindulging in sugar/simple carbs/alcohol, and stress. It affects the sinuses and stomach as well as other, hurumph, areas. Doing a cleanse will reduce their numbers- it's a good idea to take a probiotic, also. Doing a Colon Cleanse will take care of those unwelcome beasties that 80% of us harbor due to having pets in the home, eating not-properly-cleaned food, and poor washing habits. Getting rid of them will help you lose a few pounds. Not that they weigh THAT much but, I think because your body becomes inflamed as a response to them. Who wants them anyway? YUCK! I do a colon cleanse annually.hth :smiley1:


By: ObxLex
1/5/2010 1:10 AM

you look great!


By: Shapely Lady
1/5/2010 2:29 AM

Both of you'uns look great to me! HJP, can you dumb it down just a bit more for me. The colon cleanse. Is it something internal that you do? Something to drink?


By: healthjoypeace
1/5/2010 7:57 PM

Yup! I do the one from UniKey but any health food store carries them.
