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Air Margaritaville comes to town!

By: Kimco...
9/24/2003 8:31 PM

Today Jimmy Buffett sent his two pilots with the Air Margaritaville Cessna 208 Caravan down here with relief supplies. They first flew into Norfolk, rented a car, went to Sam's Club, loaded up on "stuff" for the residents of Hatteras, flew to Billy Mitchell airport in Buxton, and then to Ocracoke. Pics of her on my new pic page four of your continuing "Izzy on the Outer Banks" coverage.



Thanks Kimco for all the great work you do..I was happy to see some Rodanthe pics, love this area..have reserved the blue house (Three Sheets in the Wind)just past the ones with inaccessible driveways in pictures...Did Lisa's Pizza Survive?

9/24/2003 9:02 PM

By: Kimco...
9/24/2003 9:21 PM

Yes it was open today.


I've always liked the way Jimmy helps those he can. After reading a few of his stories on The Coconut Telegraph he does what he can. Hope he comes around for the First Flight Centennial.

9/25/2003 10:14 AM

By: Kimco...
9/25/2003 2:18 PM

They were still here today, and doing photo ops at the Wright Memorial.


I'm happy to help however I can. I know many of my OBX friends would do the same for me. My very best to all of my Carolina friends and I hope to be up your way soon. Leave the lights on.

9/25/2003 4:07 PM