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Hatteras Cottages/holes in floor vs flooding

By: Colington
4/8/2013 5:20 PM

I've read Hatteras cottages that were not up on pilingspeople cut holes in the floor for the water to recede without washing the house off the foundation. Can anyone tell me if these holes had weighted plugs that were removedthen put backor just bare holes in the floor? Any info? Thanks.


By: Alexy
4/9/2013 9:21 AM

Bare holes in the floor with wood cut outs that fit into them.
There used to be a lot of examples of homes with that on Deering Ridge Ct and down Kholer Rd but alot of those homes have been raised for new homes. There are still a few around.


By: Colington
4/9/2013 10:07 AM

I purchased a 6" wide x 3" deep round plug that looks like concretewith a metal loop on the top and a piece of rope tied to it. I thought it might either be some kind of fishing weight about 3 lbsor perhaps used as a floor plugthat wouldn't float away. Could be either I guess.


By: Alexy
4/10/2013 10:17 AM

Sounds like you might have a trotline anchor.


By: Colington
4/10/2013 6:10 PM

Thank youyou might be right. A powerful flood tide would have washed it awayso I can rule out a floor plug.


By: jsncrso
4/15/2013 6:55 PM

My grandmom said back in the old days people would tie ropes through the doorways and windows of their houses when the tide came up to keep the houses from floating away. And I remember her mentioning using cars to pull them back into position after it happened. I'll have to ask her again.


By: robschonk
6/27/2013 5:53 PM

Give Danny Couch at Hatteras Realty a call. He's the local historian for Hatteras Island and I've heard him tell some great stories. Supposedly, one house in the village was about to float away, and the owner chopped a hole in the floor, and a duck popped up 6' in the air! They had the duck for dinner....

Better yet, take one of Danny's guided tours.



Or you can attend one of his free programs on Thursday nights:

