I'd love to hear our environmental warriors that are proud of the action taken by the NPS to deny access to so many to our National Park. Spin me the details of how this 'plan' has done such a great job of helping the Piping Plover. This year we had 2 Piping Plover fledglings, lowest since 2004. Yet, us taxpayers have been denied access to the our prime fishing spots for the majority of the spring and summer. Yes, us fishermen, that not only pay our taxes but also pay for the right to fish these waters, and if so inclined must pay access fees for ORV useage. I know the general suspects will jump me, but tell me how great this is again? If someone could do the math, I'd love to know how much tax dollars per fledgling have been spent to deny us access to these prime fishing spots. 2 American Oyster Catcher's(a bird of concern) have kept the point closed to ORV traffic since sometime in March, and to ALL since sometime shortly thereafter. Why would these birds that we are told are so adverse to human interaction would nest right where the heaviest amount of ORV traffic would be in the entire National Seashore, I have no idea. I personally rode right past them in March, and they did not flinch. Also, 2 weeks later, walked within 25 feet of the same pair. Yet, thousands (not 2) of people can't go to the best fishing spot on the East Coast, and their spending dollars have stayed away also.
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