Well gee wiz Dennis, you just make a fellow want to grab his check book and dash off a donation.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, what a phony. So ya want to "grab his check book and dash off a donation."? If the good Lord himself was involved in a environmental/conservation group ya would not lift a finger to make a donation, but you sure talk about it. We did have that "talk" vs "do" conversation didn't we?
Tell you what, a check is too easy isn't it and since you only plan on talking about it makes it even easier. Hows about you show your concern by donating your "time" ... yeah your time as a volunteer to any non profit on the Outer Banks to really show your concern. Why sure, OBPA is a non profit and they would look forward to your volunteer time to benefit their goal.
If ya want to hack on volunteers, then have the ... appropriate word here ... to spend your time doing stuff volunteering to benefit your cause.
You sure don't give your time to attend or provide input at NPS meetings on issues at CHNS, but ya want to talk it to death on this cesspool.
BTW: I am providing a brief definition of volunteer just in case you have problems grasping the concept:
1. to offer to do something without being forced to or without getting paid to do it