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What kind of rig is this?

By: White Beard
10/1/2015 10:57 PM

This was taken last week, sound side in Rodanthe. Anyone know what it is used for? It was in the area where the "jug handle" bridge will be. thanks for any info.

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By: chief5130
10/2/2015 6:46 AM

Hard to be 100% certain, but it looks like a rig to set dock pilings.


By: Squid Pro Quo
10/2/2015 7:32 AM

Hard to be 100% certain, but it looks like a rig to set dock pilings.

Doesn't look big enough to be a pile driving rig. But what you said about the area where you saw it, I'm guessing it's a geotechnical engineer taking soil borings in proposed bridge pile locations. They use the boring reports to determine the depth piles need to be set to reach competent ground.

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By: Surfpainter
10/2/2015 8:14 AM

I'd say it's a shallow dredge rig. It's a shallow draft barge made to get into places along a canal a long arm crane can't access. We are looking into one of those at Pearl's Bay Villa on Knotts Island where a long arm crane would be too heavy for the surrounding bank.


By: Rick
10/2/2015 8:51 AM

Looks like a core sample drill. Used to test the bed rock . Used in preliminary engineering

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By: White Beard
10/2/2015 1:05 PM

This very helpful. Thanks for the replies.
I suspected a geo study for pilings but had never seen this before.
Thanks again for the info.

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By: Biggestsquid
10/2/2015 5:07 PM

It is a cord sample rig. My friend is working there this week sampling for the new bridge work.

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By: OcracokeFan
10/2/2015 7:50 PM

The question is, could Robert snap a photo of the surveyors working out there.... sorry couldn't resist.... Clapping smiley Laughing smiley Thumbs up Blinking smiley

Just joking...

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By: prezlee
10/3/2015 9:34 AM

Hey Whitebeard, what is the story behind your profile pic? Looks interesting...

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By: Biggestsquid
10/3/2015 10:06 AM

It is a cord sample rig. My friend is working there this week sampling for the new bridge work.

A core sample rig.


By: Squid Pro Quo
10/3/2015 12:32 PM

Yup, the same rig our geotechs use, only theirs has tracks. Gotta know what's down there before you build!

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By: White Beard
10/5/2015 9:35 PM

"Hey Whitebeard, what is the story behind your profile pic? Looks interesting..."

sorry i missed your post earlier, the pic was taken during a trip in 77 or 78. that is my jeep. there had been a stornm during the night and the captain of this boat has to run aground to save her. it was interesting how they were able to secure it with rope and temp pylons until repairs and high tide returned. last word we heard was that all ended well.

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By: prezlee
10/6/2015 11:28 AM

Remarkable. Where was the picture taken? Thanks.


By: White Beard
10/6/2015 11:56 PM

we always stayed in Buxton and fished from there south usually at the point. i do not remember exactly where i took this pic. i do remember the tides were extreme. the "ranger" was pulled out over land during the day. am still amazed at the feat of saving this boat.


By: Squid Pro Quo
10/7/2015 9:56 AM

we always stayed in Buxton and fished from there south usually at the point. i do not remember exactly where i took this pic. i do remember the tides were extreme. the "ranger" was pulled out over land during the day. am still amazed at the feat of saving this boat.

This one, from last year, got back into the water.

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By: PaulOinMA
10/8/2015 7:03 AM

... i do remember the tides were extreme ...

My wife had a work picnic at Castle Hill north of Boston two yeas ago. It's by Plum Island People came in with their boats, and the tide went out for the day beaching them. They left late afternoon when the tide came in. Not what I was expecting, but neat to see.


By: prezlee
10/8/2015 7:21 AM

I looked into the Ranger pic. It was at the Inlet. The fore-stem had come loose, boat was hauled over to the sound then repaired. Seems to have been a popular boat, eventually was sold and moved north.


By: Squid Pro Quo
10/8/2015 12:25 PM

By: White Beard
10/9/2015 12:54 AM

prezlee, thanks for the rest of the story. i am always amazed what can be done with a little enginuity(sp).

are there records on this type of stuff?


By: prezlee
10/11/2015 6:37 PM

I asked a local friend who posted the pic on Facebook. There were a number of responses, and I think people enjoyed recalling that situation and the people involved. One guy had various other pictures of the boat in a box somewhere, that type of stuff...I really am not a Facebook person, but it sure is useful in a situation like this...

It's really nice that you took that picture and saved it. It's a terrific picture.


By: White Beard
10/11/2015 11:15 PM

thanks. we enjoyed being able to get that close and to find out that the boat was being saved.
thanks again for the info on the pic, this adds an ending when i get to show the pic off.

i will have to dig and see what other pics of that event i still have.

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By: prezlee
10/13/2015 9:57 AM


Hey Squid, the second looks like sleeping with the auto-pilot on. The first one, I'm guessing, got a little to enthusiastic going for bluefish...

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