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Route 12 cut through

Route 12 cut through

I was reading this article today! I am so curious how they would do this more so than they already do. Gating seems like a nightmare - would the gates be manned? I don't live there full time but with a house in Duck we frequently go to that Marina in Southern Shores but are not a resident there. Soooo....if we are talking gates with remotes how would that work for people like me? If they need to be manned how will they pay for it?

I know on weekends in summer now they have big signs local traffic only. Only once have I been asked by a cop why I was going through and when I said it was to pick my son up at the sailing marina it was fine. So curious how this will work!

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RE: Route 12 cut through

If they are public roads then the public has a right to use them.

RE: Route 12 cut through

And use them they will.

Remember the '80s when the Beach Road from the bridge to Nags Head got crowded? So they built the Bypass?
There was smooth sailing for a couple of years.

RE: Route 12 cut through

Johnbt, The bypass was built in the 60's.

RE: Route 12 cut through

Johnbt, The bypass was built in the 60's.


It was there for the Ash Wednesday storm in 63. There weren't enough box culverts to let the water out which created a huge lake between the bypass and the beach road.

RE: Route 12 cut through

Ha, that's what I get for believing some old post on the web instead of my own hazy memory. Old age 1, me 0.

RE: Route 12 cut through

Of some interest to me is the 1987 feasibility study and the included history.

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It gets into such things as the original idea to have the entire length be 6 lanes divided by a 24-foot grass median. And why it didn't happen. Things such as tearing up lanes and moving them, existing businesses and entrances that cause a lot of u-turns, etc.

And the speed limit was 45 for the entire length.

But they did eventually widen the 4 sections that were only 3-lane to match the 3 sections that were 5-lane.

RE: Route 12 cut through

From the local paper in the Cape Henlopen Region:

RE: Route 12 cut through

From the local paper in the Cape Henlopen Region:


We visited friends' new homes in the area twice this summer - during the week, not the weekend. Traffic jams, roadwork and crazy drivers are so ridiculous, its to the point that I don't even want to visit again. Many more new neighborhoods of big houses on postage stamp lots still being built throughout the whole area. And all the houses look the same, what's up with that?

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