Outer Banks Real Estate - Real Estate Sales & Property Management
Owning real estate in the Outer Banks is a dream for many who love the area. Stop dreaming and find a home in the Outer banks to call your own. The OBX Real Estate directory is divided into three main categories: Outer Banks Real Estate Companies, Outer Banks Property Management and Real Estate Agents. Buy the perfect home, vacation rental or land on the Outer Banks and spend some time at the beach!

OBX Real Estate Sales
Real Estate in the Outer Banks is a limited resource that many people dream of owning. There are over a dozen Outer Banks real estate agencies from Carolla to Ocracoke to help you acquire your own little piece of the beach. They can help with real estate investment, sales and relocation anywhere in the OBX.

See The Outer Banks Real Estate Company Directory

OBX Property Management
The OBX property management companies serving the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This directory contains a current listing of vacation rental agencies, including contact information and a description of services. If they manage vacation property in the Outer Banks, they are in the Property Management directory!

See The Outer Banks Property Management Directory

OBX Real Estate Agents
Real Estate Agents and Realtors in the Outer Banks work in a very unique market. They are familiar with buying and selling of both vacation homes and traditional single-family homes. A real estate investor has very different needs from a person looking for a primary residence, and these agents know what to do. Let a seasoned agent help make your OBX real estate transaction smooth and successful!

See The Outer Banks Real Estate Agent Directory

Outer Banks Map